– Ring sizes range from 15 inch to 90 inch
– Programmable HMI stores multiple wrap recipes, and provides diagnostics and troubleshooting information
– Machine settings allow additional wraps to reinforce specific parts of the load
– Powered prestretch film carriage delivers superior load containment and film savings
– Corner compensation feature applies film tension/ pressure evenly to entire load
– Single or dual film carriage configurations
– Robust powered bridge conveyor customized for product
– Maximum weight capacity up to 4,000 pounds.
Orbital Stretch Wrapping Machine – ORION – Orion Constellation orbital
Securely wrap long and oversized loads, without costly strapping or banding.
The Orion Orbital Constellation Line of stretch wrappers are ideal for long loads that can not be stretch wrapped on a conventional turntable or rotary tower type machine.
Products well suited for orbital wrapping include pipe, plastic extrusions, carpet rolls, lumber, aluminium siding, and other hard to wrap products.
Stretch wrapping these loads using an Orion Orbital Constellation eliminates costly banding, strapping, and corrugated packaging.
Orion orbital ring sizes range from 15 inch to 90 inch, accommodating virtually all orbital wrapping applications.
Other features of the Orion Orbital Constellation wrappers include versatility in carriage configuration, pre-stretch film carriage, RPM options, and a userfriendly programmable touchscreen HMI.